Brad Harrington is a Research Professor in Boston College's Carroll School of Management. He teaches several courses for graduate students and one course for undergraduate students. Download Brad's Curriculum Vitae here.
Finding and Following Your Life’s Calling is a Capstone course which strives to help students understand themselves and the forces that are impacting their lives. It begins with the pursuit of self knowledge by having students do a highly rigorous self-assessment to clarify their interests, values, skills and life goals. The first step in the self-assessment is completing an in-depth autobiography that allows the student to better understand the patterns, influences and role models that have impacted their lives thus far. The self-assessment then becomes the foundation for helping the students plan more effectively for their lives going forward. That plan covers their career, personal pursuits, relationships with others, community, and their spirituality. Upon completing the class, students should be able to better answer the question, "What constitutes a meaningful life for me?"
Navigating careers and maintaining work-life balance are now necessary skills for all individuals, regardless of the sector in which they are employed. This course will look at these issues and will help students develop the critical competencies and skills to needed to successfully manage their career development and maintain work-life integration. The course will be highly experiential and will include the following components:
Completing a rigorous self-assessment process that will help students clarify their interests, values, skills, career goals, and aspirations in the context of their overall life. Students will use this information to formulate life themes that will help them clarify their career goals and direction.
Utilizing the self-assessment process as a filter and a focus to understand the labor market, career options, and employers in order to successfully define and attain their desired career outcomes.
Developing the knowledge and skills to manage and maintain successful career development and work-life integration over the individual’s life span.
You can change many things in a matter of minutes, but lasting change takes significant time and a great deal of organizational and personal investment. All organizational change requires personal change for each individual involved- and personal change can be difficult. Organizational change programs that appear quick, easy, and painless are generally deceptive and may present the veneer of change without the occurrence of underlying, lasting change. This course will help students to understand the complexities of change by examining, from both a theoretical and practical perspective, a number of contemporary change strategies.